Trader Risk Analyser

Reduce your trading risks of your bets using the power of AI and ChatGPT

Helping you do trade with confidence without any fear of hidden Risks


Reduce hidden financial risk

Assists in digging out risky aspects of a report/contract

Brings Greater Compliance

Assists in bringing greater legal & financial complience to your business.

Save cost and time of a Domain Expert

Assists in bringing the domain intelligence of an Expert without any cost or hassle.

Ease of usage and integration

Provides Web SaaS, Rapid API, Chrome Extension and Web Widget ways to use and integrate the technology


Domain intelligence of AI/ChatGPT

Bring the domain intelligence of AI / ChatGPT models to identify risky parts.

Intelligence Risk Score for document

Assign Risk Score by understanding the domain language context.

Identifies quantitative Risk from document

Detects quantitative (liabilities or assets) amount and make them actionable for business.

Identifies key Financial domains

Currently detect two Financial Analytics Accounting (Liabilities) and Sustainability (ESG).